PEORIA — While its board has yet to hear a formal proposal, the Peoria Housing Authority’s plan to redevelop Taft Homes seems to be gaining steam, though the project may not be headed in its original direction. PJ
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GALESBURG — The Knox County Housing Authority is moving forward on several construction projects, Executive Director Derek Antoine said at Tuesday’s board meeting. The Register Mail
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GALESBURG — A local group is trying to start a new bus route for grocery shoppers which would stop at each store and every public housing complex.
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A Senior housing group is accepting lease applications for a new $20 million facility under construction in Woodridge. Chicago
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The Justice Department today filed a lawsuit against the Kansas City, Kansas, Housing Authority (KCKHA) and its former hearing officer, Victor L. Hernandez. The lawsuit alleges that Hernandez sexually harassed a female public housing applicant and a female public housing tenant, in violation of the Fair Housing Act.
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CAIRO — After working more than six months as the interim director of the Alexander County Housing Authority, Tom Upchurch said he is walking away with a deeper understanding of, and appreciation for, the state’s southernmost county. The Southern.Com
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More than three years ago, the Fort Wayne Housing Authority launched a national search for a potential replacement for its executive director, Maynard Scales, who was already well past retirement age. Journal
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DeKALB – DeKalb County soon will open its subsidized and public housing waiting list, and up to 5,000 people will be able to apply. Daily Chronicle.Com
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City officials are working to fully integrate the community in a positive way. But first, an entire neighborhood has to be torn down. A public housing project is making progress. The city has been buying houses in the Bristol Place neighborhood, all to knock them down and rebuild the area. Illinois
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WASHINGTON — A Florida congressman is threatening to strip $104 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s budget in the latest dispute over public housing tenants who make too much money to qualify for federal subsidies. Watertown Daily Times
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